We've Moved!!!

On May 25th, 2002 we packed up our bags and moved from Rochester, NY to Marietta, GA.  Laura got a new job offer and that started the process, I landed a new job shortly before we moved....

We would be happy to send you all our contact information, but we don't want to post it here for security purposes....

email me at address@skiggles.com and I will send you our phone #s and address....

When Laura came down for her interview, we were pretty optimistic about the possibility of moving, so we drove around A LOT and found a house on our first day of looking.  We found a pretty new, beautiful home in a small development.  We got pretty lucky, it is a large home with almost a full (.92) acre of land..  Quite rare in this county.....  And, the previous owners had just finished fencing in the entire backyard in hopes of getting a dog, so Zeke is really enjoying the upgrade from 1/20 of an acre to a little more than 3/4 of an acre to play in...

We both started our new jobs on June 3rd, and got the house on the 12th...  ....

Old House:

New House:

Mmmmm. big back yard... big change from the city!!!